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Name of the company: Laval S.A.S.
Headquarters: Zone artisanale - 37310 CHEDIGNY - France
RCS Tours B 572 206 977
European VAT number: FR 12 572 206 977
French sector of activity code: 4648Z
Capital: 707.000,00 €
Director of Publication: Audrey Meignan, Marketing Manager
Contact: + (00)332 4791 1234 -
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In accordance with the French legislation on information technology and civil liberties, January 6th 1978, you retain the right to access and modify any information relating to you at any time.
You may exert your right by writing to Laval: Laval Group, Laval Europe website, Zone Artisanale - 37310 CHEDIGNY – France or by email to
Web site creation and development: Imagidée, 15 rue Guy Marie Oury - 37600 Loches, France
Server: Planet Service - 21, rue de Fecamp, 75012 Paris, France
All images and photos on this web site are subject to copyright.
The site is the exclusive property of the LAVAL S.A.S. group. Laval S.A.S. group alone is able to exercise its intellectual property rights and personality rights associated with this site, with special reference to original or licensed brands, designs and models. The commercial use of all or part of the notably by downloading, reproduction, transfer or representation is strictly forbidden.
Permission to create hyperlinks to the Laval site must be requested in advance by writing to Laval S.A.S. who reserves the right to revoke this permission at any time. Laval S.A.S. declines all responsibility concerning the content of sites linked to the Laval Europe site.
In application with the 2002/58/CE European legislation, the LAVAL group uses cookies as a means of identification.
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The cookies do not allow us to personally identify any user not to collect any information stocked on your terminal. They only record information concerning the navigation by the computer terminal or smart phone on our site.
In accordance with the legislation, the LAVAL Group can not be held liable:
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The user is informed that access to the site may be interrupted at any time by the LAVAL Group for maintenance, security or any other technical control.
These legal notices are administered under French legislation. The French authorities alone are competent to act on any litigation directly or indirectly related to access to the website or to its use. The original version of these legal notices was drawn up in French, in case of conflict, or incoherence between the French version and this translation, the French version takes precedence.