Origins and story of rubies:
The ruby is the red variety of Corundum, it's majestic colour comes from traces of chromium. It is the only precious stone in this family not to be called Sapphire. Chrome's fluorescent properties give the ruby a real inner fire but also limit the size of the stones as the chrome prevents the crystals from growing and cause cracking. A top quality ruby often fetches a higher price than an equivalent diamond as they are far rarer. Favoured by Maharajahs, Chahs and Kalifes over the centuries, the ruby with its blood red colour is associated to vitatlity, power, strength and passion. Like sapphires, rubies are very hard stones, 9 on the Mohs scale.

Information, virtues and legends surrounding rubies:
- Provenance – The most beautiful rubies come from Burma, the Mogok Valley is famous for its 'pigeon-blood' coloured rubies. Rubies can however also be found in Vietnam, Thaïland, India, in the Middle East, in Africa and even in the USA.
- A ruby's value is linked closely to its purity.
- A traditional 40th wedding anniversary gift that can also be given for the 15th anniversary.
- Unlike the diamond, there is no ideal cut for rubies. Each ruby is unique and the skill of the diamond cutter lies
in finding the optimum cut according to the raw stone in order to obtain the deepest colour.
- As with emeralds, rubies present inclusions, these allow us to understand the nature of the stone as well as its origins.
- Its bright colour and inner fire have helped forge the legends and reputation of this stone, symbol of passion, love, power and royalty. It is believed to help regain self-confidence and make the wearer invincible when worn on the left hand.
- On June 3rd 2019, Queen Elizabeth II of England welcomed the American President and First Lady to Buckingham Palace.
On this occasion, she worn the famous 'Burmese ruby tiara', a crown set with diamonds and 96 rubies.
